Posts tagged “Travelogues

Recent happenings

Hey guys, me again after not posting a while LOL! What’s up everyone?

In light of the recent eartquake/tsunami (RIP to all those who has been lost to the disasters), I am cancelling my Japan trip scheduled this friday. Bummer huh? Oh well, what can we do? I probably won’t be able to go there in June possibly. I hope I can find a good alternative of a holiday. I would so love to go to E3 however! Could go see Jsun and some game developers ^^


Last post of 2010!

Its been a great year you know, 2010. So many good things has happened to me, some bad things too but who cares about those? XD I met loads of new people this year, found a great group of friends too. I also finally made the trip to Japan and went to TGS no less! Seeing Kojima-san in person was a personal highlight! A pity I didn’t get to speak to him…maybe March next year when I go again 🙂

I picked up some old faves I haven’t in a while, feels great too. There’s so much great things that happened that I can’t really explain! Man but seriously, one of the best things was opening this blog. Its nice to pen my thoughts or what I see and pass it to you guys. I feel sort of happy that I can contribute some stuff to the interwebs in one way or another. I hope you guys continue to support my blog in 2011 and remind me to blog more!! XD 7100+ hits is pretty ok I guess, let’s try to get to 20,000 before 2012!

Anyways, I hope you guys have a great 2011, have a happy new year and do expect more stuff to come here in the incoming year.  Don’t drink too much ok?  I want you guys back in one piece. HAVE FUN Y’ALL! ENJOY 2011!